How to Overcome the Doubters in Your Business

Lisa Carmichael
3 min readJan 7, 2022

Starting a business is an exciting journey and it’s only natural that you want to share what is bound to be a big part of your life with others. That being said, you may not always get the reaction you were hoping for or expecting from the people around you.

This is your dream business, after all, but it doesn’t mean that those close to you will share your passion and eagerness. As an entrepreneur, coming across doubters and naysayers is a given. They will discourage you, they will poke holes in your ideas, they will criticize your plan, and they will do their best to convince you that you are wrong.

Dealing with criticism… can you handle it?

Social conditioning has messed up our clarity. We’ve been trained to be pulled and ruled by other people’s agendas and opinions.

Coming from a stranger, the negativity can be ignored, but when it comes from people you hold in high regard-close friends, coworkers, and even family-it makes you take a step back.

They might say it because they mean well, but no matter how good of intentions they have, their words will stir up some serious self-doubt. However, if you want to pursue your goals, you can’t let doubters mess with your head.

Here is how to overcome the doubters in your business.

It can be incredibly difficult to receive negative feedback and not let it get to you. With that said, you have to remember that people are often projecting their fears onto others when they voice their doubts and concerns. Your loved ones’ idea of financial stability might not align with yours and that’s completely okay. You have to accept that some people may never fully understand what you are doing or why simply because they lack the courage and determination to do the same. So don’t take that negativity to heart or let it destroy your confidence in your business.

When you feel the discouragement seep into your mind, remind yourself why you chose this particular course and why you decided to start a business in the first place. Knowing your WHY is a crucial part of remaining motivated and having the willpower to push through obstacles.

Taking note of the small wins and victories can be a great confidence booster. It raises your vibration. Not only does it show you just how much progress you’ve made since you first started your business, but it also keeps you focused on the bigger picture. The first win is, of course, taking the initiative to pursue entrepreneurial life. This is a leap of faith and you should congratulate yourself for daring to make the jump and you can pat yourself on the back because you deserve it!

One of the BIGGEST ironies of running a business is…

….the more successful you become, the more people criticize you.

So we’ve got our fear of criticism the wrong way around. In fact, if no one is criticizing you, you’re probably doing something wrong. Through Belief, Trusting, and then Being with action this is a success formula that represents your confidence simply because this is how you function.

We are no longer in an era of power and dominance. Power is tiring and becomes boring. Christine Kane in her book, “The Soul Sourced Entrepreneur,” suggests ‘power to’ instead of power over’. Meaning you have the ‘power to’ manifest whatever you envision for yourself and your business. Isn’t it better mastering something you want to manifest instead of participating in a power struggle?

Your success as a business owner is first and foremost determined by you! No one else has the power to decide your worth or value. So when in doubt, stay focused on your goals and you will achieve your vision.

Originally published at



Lisa Carmichael

I’m a Minnesota gal loving life alongside my family and friends surviving the snow and cold of winter and the green grass of summer. Thankful for you!